Friday, October 18, 2013

Operation: Use Up Scrap Paper

Scrap paper is quickly building around my craft table. I have, literally, at least 6 different bags going. SIX, people! And since I've been focusing my crafting efforts on all things Halloween, much of it is green, orange, purple, and black.

I find it to be a fun challenge to take those scrap pieces and see what kind of new stuff you can create with it, making sure you don't waste any of your lovely paper, and therefore your lovely money! And it forces you to come up with new designs, which is sometimes tough for me to do. This is one of the results of my personal "get rid of scrap paper" challenges:

I used two of this year's Halloween sets: Halloween Bash (text) and Toil and Trouble (skeleton). I had some skeletons lying around from another project, and a few leftover 2x3 rectangles that fit the "celebrate" stamp perfectly. The rest was from one of the six scrap bags plaguing my dining room table. The hexagon punch is great for creating the flag tips! I was so excited when I figured that out. (I'm still kind of a newbie. It's the simple things, really).

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